Head to head evaluations allow you to compare two or more models against each other using LLM-as-judge based on custom instructions.

Before you begin

Before writing your first eval, make sure you’ve created a dataset with one or more test entries. Also, make sure to add your OpenAI or Anthropic API key in your project settings page to allow the judge LLM to run.

Writing an Evaluation


Choose Evaluation Dataset

To create an eval, navigate to the dataset with the test entries you’d like to evaluate your models based on. Find the Evaluate tab and click the + button to the right of the Evals dropdown list.

A configuration modal will appear.


Edit Judge LLM Instructions

Customize the judge LLM instructions. The outputs of each model will be compared against one another pairwise and a score of WIN, LOSS, or TIE will be assigned to each model’s based on the judge’s instructions.


Select Judge Model

Choose a judge model from the dropdown list. If you’d like to use a judge model that isn’t supported by default, add it as an external model in your project settings page.


Choose Evaluated Models

Choose the models you’d like to evaluate against one another.


Run Evaluation

Click Create to start running the eval.

Once the eval is complete, you can see model performance in the evaluation’s Results tab.

To learn more about customizing the judge LLM instructions and viewing evaluation judgements in greater detail, see the Evaluations Overview page.